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Market Harborough CE Academy

Market HarboroughC of E Academy


Market Harborough C of E Academy is a member of Learn Academies Trust (Learn-AT).  Learn-AT has a Board of Trustees and Members who are responsible for overseeing all of the schools in the Trust. For more information about the Trustees please see Learn-AT’s website.

Market Harborough C of E Academy's Local Governing Body works on behalf of the Trust Board in these key areas:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction within the Academy.
  2. Acting as a critical friend to the school; holding the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Assuring Health and Safety procedures within their school

Register of Interests and meeting attendance

Local Governing Body members - Market Harborough CE Academy

Local Governing Body meeting attendance - Market Harborough CE Academy

Local Governing Body historical members - Market Harborough CE Academy

Local Governing Body declarations of interests - Market Harborough CE Academy

Local Governing Body declarations of interests (historical members) - Market Harborough CE Academy

Here are our Governors. We thought you might like to meet them...

  • Claire Bale

    Parent Governor

  • Pauline Briggs

    Foundation Governor

  • Di Evans

    Foundation Governor

  • Sally Ingram

    Support Staff Governor

  • Beth Lambert

    Parent Governor

  • Simon Mills

    Local Governor

  • Carly Price

    Local Governor

  • Sarah Sherlock

    Local Governor

  • Joan Williams

    Foundation Governor

  • Emma Tayler

    Head Teacher